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  1. Yeah, looking for a price check on a 30 MS Medallion. Assuming a 60 day medallion will just be 2xs the amount
  2. Kilani

    Xmas Swablu

    So, Swablu seems like the only xmas pokemon that is pretty much region locked and I, personally, don't think this is quite... fair? All the other xmas types are able to be caught in Kanto or in the event map except Swablu. So as far as I'm concerned this seems to be favoring people who've been here longer/long enough to go through all three regions. So point is, I think Swablu should be added to the event map just to even this out.
  3. First off, I'm sorry if xmas isn't the same as shiny... but they're pretty darn similar. so this seemed more fitting? Sold for insta. can close.
  4. Will Swablu be added to the event map? Since it looks like it's a Region Locked pokemon... seems kind of unfair to have it be an XMas pokemon if some people can't even get to the only region it spawns in.
  5. Thinking about buying but not sure what to offer. Thanks.
  6. Message me here or in game! Thank you
  7. Would trade for a nice lapras or a shiny slowbro/houndour or evo.
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