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Everything posted by Mrrambo77

  1. Why do you want to join Eternity? You guys messaged me, and seem fresh Real name / ingame name: Mrrambo77 How old are you?22 Ur country/ which language(s) do you speak? USA Spanish and English Discord name+tag / how often u r online there? Mrrambo77 24/7 What is your goal on pro/are you interested in pvp/already pvping? I'm tryna be number 1 no not yet
  2. Who is your favourite Pokemon? The hitmon family Please Provide a picture of your Trainer card What is your goal in PRO? To enjoy every aspect of the game as possible What would be your greatest strength and why? I honestly don't know, tbh Do you have discord? How often do you check Discord? Yes, 24hr phone are you willing to be active on Guild chat in game and discord? Yes Are you willing to participate in guild events, and be active on discord? Yes
  3. How you doing everyone , I'm just looking for some friends I can just chill with I'm in the silver sever hmu
  4. I'm in silver bro
  5. What's up everyone , idk if y'all remember me , but I just wanted to reintroduce myself anyways . Get ready for the #1 pokemon master return see y'all in game
  6. Apreciate the welcome backs
  7. You gotta go to the report section bro
  8. How is everyone doing, just wanted to re introduce myself , my name is rambo , i took a long break from the pro world, and im back to be on the #1 list in the silver server, i use to play back then when the gold server and blue server were around and it seems like alot has changed , get ready my hitmonlee is gonna k.o everyone
  9. Re: Looking for a guild (blue server) <r><URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=69111"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=35&t=69111">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=69111</LINK_TEXT></URL> <br/> <br/> You should come join team magma</r>
  10. We'll message you shortly , if you have discord message me and I'll send you a link
  11. We'll contact you, or if you have a discord , just message me and we'll get you the invite , welcome to the family
  12. Hey how you doing ? Is there anyway I can contact you in game or on discord?
  13. You and your friend can join if you want! Do you have a discord by any chance ? If not I'll just catch you in game or someone in blue that's an officer, happy gaming
  14. We'd like to have you! By any chance would you be able tell me what server you on?
  15. You should come join us in team magma
  16. Hey you should come join us at team magma! We accept everyone , and we'll help if you need anything
  17. Do you have discord? Makes life easier for everyone
  18. Welcome to pro
  19. What server are you on
  20. Hey message me in game or on discord via Mrrambo77 #1138 and I'll get you the invite ! welcome to magma
  21. Welcome to pro
  22. Thanks for the invitation I already joined team magma
  23. Welcome !
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