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About Stayfrostyz

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  1. Weavile has been sold, sorry for delayed reply.
  2. Weavile has been sold, sorry for delayed reply.
  3. Re: PVP Ready Epics Gengar, <r><QUOTE author="rkiriakos"><s> </e></QUOTE> got it</r>
  4. Re: PVP Ready Epics Gengar, <r><QUOTE author="ersinexe"><s> </e></QUOTE> I've been trying to get ahold of you, what's your in game name? And please message me here when you're going to be online next.</r>
  5. Re: PVP Ready Epics Gengar, <r><QUOTE author="ersinexe"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok, 24 hours from now.</r>
  6. Re: PVP Ready Epics, Togekiss, Magnezone, Scizor, Gengar, <t>still some available</t>
  7. Auction ended. Skarro gets Marowak. I'll be contacting you.
  8. Not Jolly, but I just posting as an option. I personally like Adamant better on Breloom since it gets outsped by a lot of poke.
  9. Got it, but you've been outbid. Got it. Auction ends in about 4 hours and 45 minutes.
  10. Re: Mariel and Marowak <r><QUOTE author="Dungdeptrai"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sold! I'll be contacting you.</r>
  11. Re: PVP Ready Epics, Togekiss, Magnezone, Scizor, Gengar, <t>Added some new pokes</t>
  12. Re: Mariel and Marowak <t>Rsoe in game put 500k</t>
  13. Re: Mariel and Marowak <r><QUOTE author="xrevolutionx94"><s> </e></QUOTE> I added insta prices.</r>
  14. Re: Mariel and Marowak <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/vH6TbcG.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
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