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Everything posted by Deso561

  1. Thanks for the welcome. I get back my char and started Johto now. :)
  2. I just recently back to game and looking now for guild. I'm sadly sit in Kanto saffron city gym. I played two years ago in Wings Of Destiny, but discouraged with fail after fail in Saffron City, i quited guild and game. Now want try again. Playing on Silver.
  3. I wanted ask someone, to make signature with one of my WoW oc's as pkmn trainer. But problem is, i got only nsfw refs. So i'm little bit affraid posting it. But if someone might be intrested to help, would be appreciated. Can't pay much right now, i just getting back to game. Fav pokemons. Feraligatr, Aggron, Charizzard, Gardevoir, Sceptile and Gengar.
  4. I thought lately about getting back, because get bored with much repeative stuff in gaming etc. Also some pokemon romhacks. Not much to tell about myself, i rather need info what was changed? If i good recall i played on blue server which is no longer exist?
  5. I will consider it, if i will not get answer yay or nah or potato from WoD. ;) Thanks for offer though.
  6. Waiting for respond. :)
  7. And btw lore is the only thing that suck in league ;D Depends what point of view we got, since i'm a loregeek so ya know. :P
  8. I played from end of 3 season until end of 4 season and to be honest? I find HOTS more fun than LoL. LoL the only thing what got good is lore, nothing else.
  9. Re: ✱ Wings Of Destiny ✱ Blue Server · 18+ · International Guild <r>1. What is your in-game name and current hours of play?<br/> 2. Why do you want to join Wings Of Destiny?<br/> 3. How many badges do you have on blue server?<br/> 4. Do you/can you use discord?<br/> 5. What led you to play PRO?<br/> 6. Do you meet all of the requirements as listed on the first page of the thread?<br/> 7. Why should we want you in the guild?<br/> 8. Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username?<br/> <br/> 1: Deso561. Currently i play various due to other online things such Warframe, World Of Warcraft, Heroes Of The Storm. Or eventually nap whole the day! <E>:Shocked:</E> My gametime at the moment is 9 hours.<br/> 2: After reading guild info here, sounds very cool and seems friendly to noobs like me. <br/> 3: Actually only 3 in Kanto, i working on it...<br/> 4: Yep i use it more than skype. <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> 5: I guess? Probably nostalgia from older games, because when i was younger i played much pokemon games, my fav was allways Emerald. <3<br/> 6: If i can't be active much in game, mentioned in 1. I can be on discord. I'm more worried for my english because idk if is good enough. Readed the rules. I started playing on blue, i gonna stay here. :D And i'm only 26 years old! @_@<br/> 7: Friendly noob gamer, what played much online games in past, starting from WoW, ended again in WoW so got some expirience. I will not lie, i got anxiety issues because in past, i trust wrong people.<br/> 8: Yep it was Unequalrose.</r>
  10. Looking for guild on blue server. I just started playing few weeks ago, currently i am after gym in vermilion city.
  11. I defeated Brock allready and i am now at Cerulean City. :D Got Ivysaur allready. :D Too bad my Spinarak don't want cooperate and lvl UP. :( And yep i do the same in WoW, currently hunting now for battle pets in Icecrown Citadel and Ulduar. :D BONEEEEEEEEEESTOOOOOOOOOOOORM! *Dreams for LiL Lord Marrowgar sprite to use as player model*
  12. Trust me, i played too many online games so i know most of rules. I need only reread about trading etc. :D But actually i know cheating is bad, and actually i don't approve it. Unless we talk about ME3 Multiplayer, but modding isin't cheating actually especially in dead by support game? :)
  13. Ok sorry... FOR THE GLORY OF PSYDUCK! :D
  14. All i want is to defeat Brock now, but no idea how exp further now my Bulbasaur to get another grass attack. Lech Seed is not much effective.
  15. I just few days ago maked account and start playing in break between WoW and must say. Nice job! Kinda got now nostalgia playing PRO, because i played much in past Gold/Silver/Crystal and Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald versions. :) The only thing i did probably wrong, i choosed Bulbasaur as my starter. :( Playing on Blue. For the glory of N'Zoth!
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