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  1. Can close everything ok got chanecy back
  2. Hey I gave my chanecy for training long time ago and can't reach the person for long time now,if its ready ill pay but I dont know what to do
  3. Can be closed no offers long time
  4. S.O 1.5m min bid 100k auction over 24 hours after first bid no insta payment of method accepted: coin capsule- 380k. reroll ticket 700k Bid here/ingame ronsr98 good luck!
  5. so no other ways to get the stone
  6. i talked to shiny spiritomp and its says due to major error the quest has been temporarly closed
  7. Hello everyone I'm searching for: Manektrike hp ice timid max spd Jolly max spd beldum/evo Jolly h.a excadrill Ty and pm me if ur selling Ign ronsr98
  8. I cant upload my album:/
  9. I made album in imgur with my pokes and trainer card here is the link [MEDIA=imgur]i2pi8HY[/MEDIA]
  10. Vv very good services tnx
  11. Discord name:ronsr98#3507 I use discord every day I dont have what to improve in pro doscord it is good at it is
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