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Everything posted by Marcylene

  1. Added tip for getting the Eevee-lutions! :Light:
  2. Hello, I've been playing Pokemon GO recently since it became available in my country. It's nice for knowing your city better, breathe and play your favorite game. Sadly I mostly do it when I have to work but also with my friends. We met a lot of people and make new friends. So, here are some information about the game: [glow=red]Secret tips that few people know about![/glow] [glow=purple]Pokeball spinning[/glow] [glow=purple]Good aimming[/glow] [glow=purple]Eevee-lutions![/glow] [*][glow=purple]Poké-stops creation/deletion[/glow] [*][glow=purple]Poké-stops respawn time[/glow] [glow=red]Warnings about using a 3rd party software to FAKE THE GPS LOCATION[/glow] There is an algorithm implemented that simply "bans" in different ways some kind of behaviour. For example, the first location the game parses to the server is a place in China and in 5 seconds you change it to Spain. Depending on the traveled distance and the time spent in that path, the server will punish you with these kind of ban: [glow=purple]Soft-ban[/glow] [*][glow=purple]Perma-ban[/glow] If you have got more tips I'll gladly add them! This is just for you to know that cheating in a game that concern other players may end in a punishment as here, in PRO. Please don't cheat in any game, you'd be cheating yourself! Keep it real :Grin:
  3. Up! Bid ends in 30 minutes!
  4. you have the best offer by now :)
  5. Welcome! :Grin:
  6. You have the b/o for now. Added insta price
  7. You have best offer!
  8. Current offer: 100k by Lauty, OP updated.
  9. Oh I didn't know that.. Well if you go 100k I can start the bid until tomorrow. I've not seen any other S Volbeat!!
  10. Hello, want to sell nice Impish and shiny Volbeat. Current B/O = 600k $ by: lolindo1 Insta: 1.5M $
  11. When I see new generation pokemon and there are more than 600... PD: also my face when Oli and Tim start fighting xD
  12. Welcome to PRO!! :Grin:
  13. Re: [WTS] Epic Timid Magmar (3x30) <r><QUOTE author="abhilash"><s> </e></QUOTE> You have best offer again</r>
  14. Welcome to PRO! :Grin:
  15. Re: [WTS] Epic Timid Magmar (3x30) <r><QUOTE author="abhilash"><s> </e></QUOTE> You have best offer.</r>
  16. Re: [WTS] Epic Timid Magmar (3x30) <t>Bid starts with 290k by Mika113.</t>
  17. Welcome to PRO!! :Grin:
  18. Hi hi hi!! Welcome to PRO! :Shy:
  19. Hi hi Laila, welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy this game and its community :Shy:
  20. I understand you and every other player that had an android device to play PRO. I'm one of them and suffer from the waiting as well. But hey! We must not forget about the fact that this is a game developed by people that work on it for free. They have a real work, family, problems, events that are a big priority. Hope it's understandable :Grin:
  21. Welcome Heretic! :Shy:
  22. Hi hi!! Welcome to PRO! :Grin:
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