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Everything posted by Santabud

  1. Re: Grandpa >-< Hiddentree's PokeCare service..!! Restarted with old price! <t>Got some requets for you pm me in game</t>
  2. Re: Intensity-Plasma guild [Yellow~Server] 4 branches recruiting!! One of the biggest guilds in yellow! <t>I wanna apply "SantaBud" . I got the discord with the name "Hackher" Send me the discord link so i add the channel :)<br/> I have completed kanto and jhoto but still have to beat jhoto league.<br/> Hope you give me a place in this family <3<br/> <br/> ~Santabud</t>
  3. He's been trying to contact you in game, but you haven't been around. What timezone are you so he can try to meet up with you better? can he come this time ?
  4. been almost a week would really appreciate my pokes back...
  5. Okay I'll wait thanks for updating me
  6. Any update on my Pokémon dacs ?
  7. +1 to this
  8. Hello anyone need a new guy in a guild? I am a hunter in gamr, I hunt for great pokes.in yellow server
  9. Sad for me too....
  10. Not updated yet for android I think.....
  11. i saw team rockets having different version of sand shrew which looks pretty cool is it a bug or it is really something coming ahead ?
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