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Everything posted by Margaux

  1. ign: margaux country: ph not sure how to enter so ill just leave my ign and tweet the link :P best of luck to all!
  2. bump - added infernape gastrodon chandelure
  3. ill insta clefable
  4. i accept ms as offer valued at 800k; auction starts 48 hrs after first bid start: 800k insta: none yet bo: none yet start: 600k insta: none yet bo: none yet
  5. ill start on altaria
  6. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop - cloned starters bundle and new pokemon added <t>bump - updated clone bundle and added new pokemon espeon and blissey</t>
  8. Re: TAKE A LOOK (GOOD POKES) <t>700 espeon</t>
  9. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop - new pokemons added! <t>*bump* - new pokemon added</t>
  10. want to buy the following pokemons naive chimchar or evos naive snover or evos timid/bold ha eevee or espeon/sylveon adamant defiant pawniard/bisharp
  11. Re: Akatsuki x Reborn joint guild event <t>108! :D</t>
  12. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop *holiday sale reduced prices* <t>bump - christmas discount reduced prices</t>
  13. i withdraw my offer, cant wait forever to know if the offer is accepted or rejected
  14. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop *added new pokemon - bisharp torterra heracross pikachu <3 * <t>*added new pokemons*<br/> <br/> bisharp<br/> torterra<br/> pikachu<br/> heracross</t>
  15. 1m for goodra?
  16. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop *reduced prices and added new pokemon* <r><QUOTE author="Theraptor0G7"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry not sure if ur buying or mocking me but its already sold anyways</r>
  17. Re: Insta Big's Shop >>end of this year discount 10-25%<< <r>mr big im interested with bold empoleon and adamant eelektross but can u check my shop first if theres something u might need so we can trade? ill add money if needed. thanks!<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46774"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... hp?t=46774">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46774</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
  18. +1 for OT rule, weeks of excavating would pay off and we do have enough time to prepare
  19. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop *reduced prices and added new pokemon* <r>bump <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  20. hi i am unable to battle kanto bosses, they should have reset by now example are screenshots below. the timer has gone negative each time i check the numbers are moving up, there are no problems with other regions just kanto. please help :D thanks! 2:35pm local time here it was -4.45 hrs 3:13pm local time here its now -5.067 hrs
  21. auctions like this are pointless :Nervous: we cant even say what the initial terms were since the post had been edited
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