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About Moonsparkejo

  • Birthday 01/20/2001

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  1. I was in Cerulean Cave just now, and when I clicked on the pokeball this occured, it shows my user, the location, and the error message I recieved. https://imgur.com/a/lC9rH -Moon
  2. Re: Chronos (Red Server, Expanding Chronos 2) <t>1. I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan, born in Texas, moved to Virginia and moved back to Texas a couple years later, I absolutely love sports and things like bungee jumping, scuba, rock climbing, and sailing, pretty much anything with heights or that involve water! I'm dirty blonde, a little taller than average, bisexual, and I also cheer-lead and play soccer.<br/> 2. moonsparkejo and Red Server<br/> 3. . 270 hours and 46 Minutes. I've beaten all of Kanto through Hoenn<br/> 4. I'm 16, I'm from Dallas, Texas, USA<br/> 5. Pvp, I've got a team, and am training and evving them currently<br/> 6. I'm active on Pro, and I'm always looking to help others.<br/> 7. I am currently part of the Guild I guess from what I understand.<br/> 8. Uh heck for the cutest I would say freakin turtwig! for the coolest definitely Latias!<br/> 9. I'm already in it lol, that's why I guess I'm kinda in it was told I could apply here later.<br/> 10. Yeah, I have been known to harbor a grudge but generally can let it go.</t>
  3. So I got the scanner and the mossy blob now it says the moss must be removed before it can be identified, I checked my inventory and nothing new showed up. Also where do I go to give captain stern the scanner that "Sailor Wendy" gave me
  4. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>Esmerelda / Moonsparkejo<br/> 127 Hours 54 Minutes<br/> United States of America<br/> I play PRO about 1-2 hours a day during weekdays, and a lot more on weekends.<br/> I just turned 16 today! <br/> I want to be part of Reborn because I enjoy helping other players, and sharing knowledge of the game with others. I also like the community feel that Reborn appears to have, and I have a friend already in it.</t>
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