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  1. Hi, I've recently gotten back to the game because some friends of mine started playing PRO. Now, they're on the Yellow server, because they couldn't stand the red one due to lag and login que. I would like to transfer my character over to Yellow server if possible, I'm even willing to pay money for it, as long as it's a reasonable amount. And I'll be honest, it's not just because of friends, but also because of this... WAIT BEFORE YOU DELETE THIS. Now I know about the FAQ and bla bla, but I am serious, if I can somehow transfer my account, even through money, I'll gladly take up on the offer. I understand that due to community reasons, you will not be able to simply do this, so if one of the admins/owners considers it, hit me up on my email I've registered with. Thanks!
  2. Didn't MS give you login priority or something?
  3. Hi guys, I've had a short break from the game since my GPU got fried and my CPU doesn't have an onboard GPU. Anyway, all good now, however, I just cannot get to play the game. It's telling me the capacity is always full, 1800/1800 players. I've tried to login for the past 3 days, I just cannot play and it's really bothering me. Is there anything that can be done?
  4. Ahh I see, thanks for letting me know guys!
  5. Is that so? I'm new here so I don't know the exact prices atm. I guess I'll have to make my stuff more expensive then :x..
  6. [ref]ShadowSkill[/ref], Yo buddy, I can still sell ya the 200C, the last arranged deal was a dud sadly. Add me on Skype or friend me in-game(I don't know how to do that rofl) and we can do the trade. 200C would be 260k$.
  7. Current stock is sold, I'll update the thread once I sell some again!
  8. I actually have a deal with Zezu already and I don't think I'll sell any more after that for a little while.
  9. ---Current stock is sold, notice will be taken off(and thread bumped) once I sell some more!--- Hai, I'm willing to sell Coins and tradable stuff from the website for Pokédollars. I'd sell stuff for these prices: Medalion = 120k 25% EXP Boost = 45k Headgear: 50k Clothes = 80k I can also directly buy coins onto your account. 100C = 180k Prices were adjusted to current course. If you're interested drop me a PM, glad if I can help out!
  10. Hai, as said, I'm Ira. I started playing this like today. I really like it so far, I absolutely love the graphical overhaul the game got. The music as well. Overall I'm very glad I started playing and will prolly stick around for a while. I've found a few bugs and glitches here and there, nothing gamebreaking though luckily, however I'll make sure to keep an eye out. Anyway, glad to meetcha all :)
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