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Everything posted by Whitedragon98

  1. So! Since its Summer and we will be getting access to the summer event soon enough. I was thinking of a small fun and happy side-quest That would Award the player the Squirtle sunglasses as a head cosmetic,which would of course be Non-tradeable.Squirtle was always one of my favourite starters and I think it would be fun to include a reference to the Squirtle squad episode in PRO and we could all be part of the Squirtle squad together!
  2. Auction canceled due to no bidders
  3. Starting Price:2m Minimum bid:150k Insta:3.5m Rules: 1)This Auction will last 48 hours After the first bid(Starting price) 2)You cannot cancel your offer 3)Fake offers will be reported 4)Accepting Only Pokedollars in this auction Good luck!
  4. 1:Whitedragon98 2:ive played 505 hours and 10 minutes 3:im not really sure. I love a lot of them. probably gardevoir 4:im 20
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