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About Phantom0x0

  • Birthday 05/27/1994

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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Oh lol didn't notice it didn't capture that the only options I have under that are --, Nobody, Only Owner, Only Owner and Group, and Everybody. I think the program being executable is not the problem beings as it says it is and it allows it to execute, but the window pops up for a few seconds then disappears. I am running the program from the same external hard drive but on a different computer hardware wise which also could be a problem. I have a feeling I messed everything up xP.
  2. Only options that I have under the permissions tab I have a feeling I'm missing a execution program I tried using the PCManFM program but it didn't work. I'm an ametuer at best when it comes to linux unfortunately it's the only OS I can use on a external HDD since my internal one is fried.
  3. PRO Username: Phantom0x0 Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I had the game downloaded and working before, but that was multiple months ago (June 2015) recently my laptop died (charging port nothing that would effect the data), but I got that fixed and decided to re-download the client. when it was complete I extracted the data and went to open it, but then it asked what program to use to open it in. this was not a problem before, I simply opened the client by double clicking. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I had some updates that I missed while the computer was broken that I installed then re-downloaded the client, and the problem persisted. Description and Message Pretty sure I covered everything above. Please let me know if any other information is required. Oh I guess I should mention that I have Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca with LXDE Lubuntu desktop environment Kernel: Linux 3.13.0-37 Generic (x86_64)
  4. Awhile ago I had to stop playing because of my personal life, but now I'm back and in dire need to catch back up with everyone. Also apparently I need a new guild so anyone open? See Everyone In The Game.
  5. In-Game atm will be snorlax hunting near vermillion
  6. Because of work I can only be on for a few hours at a time, most of which are at times when the server is full or offline. I have a few days off after tomorrow (PDT [uTC -7:00]) so when I am successfully in-game I will respond again here and if I happen to log off before you are online I will edit it my post accordingly. Hope to see you in-game soon.
  7. Will buy Tier 4 Eevee
  8. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <r><QUOTE author="SuHu"><s> </e></QUOTE> The BO is 750k by popukeage<e> </e></QUOTE> Pfft lol for 450k more then its worth he can have it, thanks though Suhu.</r>
  9. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <t>Offer 150k for Sala</t>
  10. 200k
  11. Use Nel's idea. :thanks:
  12. Downloaded the newest version for 32 bit computers and when I went to run the game this happened. Messed with the resolution options and nothing fixed the problem, please help.
  13. Updated 1 PDex Bait added. Does it count as triple posting if it's your topic?
  14. *Updated* Added 2 New Pokedex Bait, and 2 New Epic IVs Pokemon For Sale
  15. Added Beedril to "Epic IVs Pokemon I'm looking for. More to be added once I reach 4th badge xP
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