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  1. Moved the pokemosn to the last spot in your box. Enjoy. thanks <3
  2. help me sir
  3. Hello staff, I was deleting useless pokes and deleted my staryu by accident mind u help me get it back? Red server ~
  4. starting offer : 200k insta : 600k starting offer: 700k insta : 1,5m
  5. Re: BEST HA GLIGAR INSTANT ADDED <r><E>:thanks:</E> bump</r>
  6. Re: BEST HA GLIGAR (DEADLINE) INSTANT ADDED <t>insta price 6.000.000$</t>
  7. Re: BEST HA GLIGAR (DEADLINE) <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/oommxbf.png"><s></e></IMG> new bo</r>
  8. RULES No instant price yet but if BO is huge i can accept it before Deadline I can cancel the auction if i dont like BO ( Before deadline ends) Minimun Raise 100k MS = 400k BEST OFFER: 4.000.000 by mawtygaming INSTA PRICE: 6.000.000 Deadline removed since forum was down for many hours today.
  9. To Daen and Sheila, thank you for creating and building a wonderful family for everyone in this game and without it, I would've probably quit the game long time ago. You guys know We love you guys and respect all your decisions. We will always remember you both! :Frown: Porkchop420 (Poob) - 22
  10. I swear my level 98 jolly sync disappeared just like this. I keep telling myself that I must've released it by accident but all I remember was that I hunted with it, put in pc, logged out, then logged in, and couldn't find it when I try to find it in pc.
  11. He's in red server. Ign: porkchop420
  12. where do i start then Since you finished all 3 regions, now you can do the transportation in hoen and kanto to travel through all 3 regions quick and easy. After you probably wanna start hunting get some $ and make a pvp team.
  13. You got all 3 legendaries? you completed dex? and also if you wanna try pvp, you got a lot to catch and train. There's many things to do :P
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