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Everything posted by Holyn

  1. Also additional question about the merge. What would be the "correct" server to choose? I remember trying my username and pass and pretty much trying out both servers to see which one worked. I would like to choose the right one this time and not mess up.
  2. Thanks for the fast reply. Yes that would be great.
  3. To be honest, I have no idea which server I picked because it's been years since I've played. I'm pretty sure I have not done any trades or anything like that since I'm stuck in Pallet town. I can't even access a pokemon center to look at my pokemon at the moment.
  4. I've logged into the game after several years and first thing that I've noticed is that all my badges are gone. I'm stuck in pallet town with my old pokemon and cannot leave the area because the npc Jackson and his Eevee are not there (probably because I've already finished the Kanto story). After asking in-game and on the PRO discord, I was directed here. Is there anything I can do to restore my account?
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