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About Wangjahangug

  • Birthday 12/09/1916

Personal Information

  • Career
    Immortal God
  • Occupation
    Immortal God

Wangjahangug's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Now im sounds like a perv. Hahaha.
  2. Wow, you pretty cute, dayum.
  3. Hey yall, thanks, sorry for late reply, im not kinda active these days because i way too burnt out thanks to the brutal grind but i will play again next month. Yeah Myuumyuu, i found that guide as well and dayumm you pretty hot. Haha. Well see you guys soon.
  4. Next giveaway should be 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta.
  5. Dub step.
  6. Two Piece fan here.
  7. Deadliest Catch episode 18.
  8. Selena Gomez - The Heart Wants What It Wants. Oh god ! Hahaaa.. :y:
  9. To increase weight you need to eat more than you burn, but still you need to avoid consume any stupid high calories food like pizza, taco, etc and soda drinks. Eat a lot of high protein foods and drink a lot of water then you good to go.
  10. To lose weight is simple as calories out > calories in. Eat less than you burn. Avoid soda drinks, stupid food like pizza, drink more water (minimum is 1.5 liter per day) and eat veggies, fruits, meat and fish.
  11. To build muscle, you need to eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of your body weight. For an example your body weight is 80 KG /176 pound then you need around 176 g of protein to consume every single day. But for normal people you can eat less than that maybe around 0.8 gram protein per pound body weight.
  12. Each muscle parts need rest about 48 hours to repair itself.
  13. There are two different method of lifting weights which is hypertrophy and power lifting. Hypertrophy focus more on lifting light to medium weights with high repetition range between 10 to 12 while power lifting focus on more weight with lower repetition range 1 to 5. Hypertrophy designed to build muscle while power lifting designed to increase strength.
  14. You're welcome. Stay tuned. More good stuff coming soon.
  15. Prove to normie that Pokemon trainer capable to get a life partner to settle in for the rest of your life.
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