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Everything posted by M33zo

  1. s.o 8m insta 13m min raise 500k 1 week duration! there will be an ingame auction too
  2. I am aware that this is ineligible, but I just wanted to throw it out, ID isn't vaild because caught nov 10.
  3. nice troll
  4. GJ Glogs.
  5. Bump nice event belz, will do :D
  6. Yes, I am aware 31's are in wrong place Yes, I am aware it's a tier 1 shiny. Yes, I am aware it's a neutral nature 275k start, 500k insta
  7. pm me ingame IGN: M33zo If im not online just drop me an offer on this thread I am in hoenn rn so you have to be finished hoenn
  8. I know it's a bit late, Still selling the arcanine mount?
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