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Everything posted by Burner1115

  1. I guess if it is a boss cooldown if you lose?
  2. ok I think he means that it saids it doesn't have its info so I went and moved my folder to the raging garydos one
  3. battle a person near your level then lose you will be sent to the previous pokecenter
  4. Welcome to the community I hope you'll have fun playing pro with us.
  5. If it shutted down multiple times and it kept logging out during a battle it's internet problem not the game fault. Cause once I was trying to pass kanto e4 but I had slow speed internet.
  6. Welcome and we all hope you enjoy your stay!
  7. I believe if you have android then all you have to do is download it from pro website and if you have cpu you have to place it in the folder where you have raging garydos because it has the info in it.
  8. Are you a mac user? And if you are they did something wrong with the coding but re-download it now. It's ok now.
  9. There are many good guilds just got to find the right guild for you. So I suggest that you go to guild fourms and hand pick one by reading their description.
  10. Sorry there is no way to do that but re-download the game is worth it. LOTS OF FUN
  11. welcome to the community I hope you enjoy tour stay here you will make A LOT of friends and I hope I will be one of them. There is also a discord chat that you could make more friends. 1 tip is to not evolve up your pokes till lvl 90.
  12. No boss requests a certain amount of money as requirement... :Ambivalent: So phon419 you fought your Suicune Guardien on 15th June, and tried to battle Nikola 25 days after ? We're currently 1st July, so only 16 days have passed. Sorry my phone did a autocorrect and I didn't notice I was putting maybe he didn't have the pokemon requirements when he went there for example a type that he needs in his team or all lvl 100s in his team
  13. Welcome to pro and I hope you enjoy your stay you'll make a lot of friends here just like me :). 1 tip is to don't evolve your poke money until level 90 and join the official discord chat for more friend making from all servers.
  14. Maybe you don't have the pokemon requirements. Hoped I helped
  15. Sorry for your issues but red server has a problem which you can'take login when you logged off before
  16. Only red server has the problems because I'm guessing that it has the least server maintenance
  17. Red has a server problem if you log out you can't log back in.
  18. sorry but I don't think they should add it because it wont be pokemon anymore cause of the fact that pokemon does not have bank and does that count as cheating?
  19. welcome were happy to have you here like we always do I hope you have lots of fun with us in this game and I hope that you'll make new friends including me :). GL!
  20. go to move releaner or a npc called move buffet.
  21. We all gladly love to be your freindsite were all freindlyrics and we'll support you at certain times. Stay positive
  22. I agree because since they made a game for us to play and we play for FREINDLY so there's no point to be disrespectfull to them
  23. I think you'll get only 1 free take back by what I heard on other fourms. But next time always check the chat because I usually see 15min until server shuts down please log off before 15min or progress won't be saved or something like that but I hoped I helped
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