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About Ucont

  • Birthday 03/03/1997

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. start / ucont#0420
  2. hi, buy this alolan meowth 200k/ ucont#0420
  3. Hello I am looking for a meowth or persian from alola of a timid or jolly nature from ivs above 18 but that has good spd and defenses 20+ the ability in case of meowth would be pickup and in persian fur coat thanks offers with price plz discord = ucont#0420
  4. 900k
  5. 600k
  6. sold by insta price thanks for the deals pm in game = limit
  7. hello I'm selling this shiny pokemon the starting price is down, may the best poster win thank you START= 7M INSTA= 20M min bid= 1M ONLY ACCEPT CC= 400K in two days the auction ends from the first offer b.o= insta Thank you
  8. hello by mistake I deleted my pokemon when I tried to erase another one that had gone wrong, it was my mistake I would really appreciate it if you could return it to me it's my favorite pokemon
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