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  1. In-Game Name: Darthjarjar0099 Discord Tag: Darthcciron0099#5374 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Sometimes all day everyday, sometimes once a week What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? I'd like to be able to see pinned messages more easily
  2. Hey there!! Thought I should apply I'm a casual player, not pvp active, but willing to cooperate and help so I get some much needed help too. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Darthjarjar0099 2. Number of hours played? aprox. 291 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? tough question, probably lucario 4. What country are you from? Greece 5. How old are you? Almost 20 6.When's your Birthday? 30th April
  3. Hey there! My suggestions are really minor problems concerning me as a casual player who uses the Android version of the game. After 2 years playing pro and really enjoying it, I thought it useful to make this thread. 1. From a phone with a normal sized screen, using the scrollbar is a really hard and time consuming thing to do when searching for an item in the bag. Since this same thing was fixed for the battle scene and we can now finger-scroll through the items, I think it's possible to do this for the bag too. 2.The order the caught pokemon are shown on the pc screen has 3 modes (by default, alphabetically and by level as I recall) and it really is useful but not the most it could be. That is because the mode applies only to the current page the player is viewing and not the whole storage. In my opinion, it would be much more helpful to search through the pc with all my pokemon lined up accordingly (so e.g. 1st page starts with all level 1 then goes to lvl 2 etc) 3. As I've noticed before, when players use the map in the computer version of the game the names of the cities, towns, etc are shown if you click on one of them. I have many times found it difficult to remember where a place is but not been able to find it on the map and just had wasted time running around and wandering until I do. So if it is possible, I would appreciate it if by touching a place on the android map (like clicking it on pc) we could have access to the name of it. That's all I got for now, thanks a lot in advance and for the ability to share such stuff! ❤
  4. Its update time chill ❤
  5. You just need someone you trust or anyone available You should keep screenshots of your conversation and trade so that a staff member can help if there is a problem later
  6. Thats so cool, they're lovely Fingers crossed
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