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Everything posted by Braj

  1. bump!
  2. bump!
  3. On what time it will end?
  4. Bump!
  5. Bump!
  6. I prefer money!
  7. close
  8. Wow, amazing venusaur GL everyone!
  9. Bump!
  10. Doesnt matter really if u gonna start it at 5m, i will just cancel the auction if its not any lower than 10m thats why i set the so 10m
  11. Bump!
  12. Congratulation you won the auction for the ditto, contact me ingame or on discord when you're available.
  13. Bump!
  14. Noted Auction started 3 days left Added timer to ditto auction
  15. close
  16. Great guide!
  17. Congratulation, you win :) Contact me ingame/discord when you're available.
  18. Bump!
  19. Noted, auction for garchomp has started
  20. Bump!
  21. Bump!
  22. Bump!
  23. close
  24. To my love; I was flabebergasted from your look When you read that book I knew it from the start Nothing would keep us apart When we went to poketown I knew you would not let me-w down When the trip was done, I realized you would be the one I never thought this day would come Under this eeveening For you to become My Wonder, My Meaning
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