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Everything posted by Terrorgr

  1. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: v3 Soon ::.. <t>200k ninetails</t>
  2. Re: Epic Roserade 27/30 epic budew all iv 20+ <t>bump 23 hours left for the auction to end</t>
  3. insta?i would be happy with 3m
  4. Re: PVP POKES !! [eLL Shop] <t>bronzong 150k</t>
  5. Re: PRO Viability Rankings(PVP) <t>add weezing and spiritomb somewhere on the bottom tiers last season they got some plays,also greninja,whiscas(only 1 person use this with great success),delphox<br/> and roserade should be higher..gj opening this gabu</t>
  6. Ign:TerrorGr Timezone:Gmt+2
  7. how much is an epic offer for your slowbro and bronzong?
  8. bo on lapras?if no bo i offer 200k
  9. Re: Zeloups shop: Added 2 Good Rufflet, Ongoing Gallade/Joltik epics <t>350k aerodactyl</t>
  10. Re: Kaley's Shop [+10 PKM from NEW TRAINER] <t>staryu speed/sp attack 29/28 50k</t>
  11. 200k..when auction ends?
  12. Re: DesuOne Shop (Sneasels and Gligars added) <t>since you dont put insta i start with 100k 29/29 sneasel</t>
  13. Re: TaipOuz Shop * Milotic / Gallade / Magnezone / Goodra / Machamp * (EPIC/PVP/RARE) <t>350k goodra..insta?</t>
  14. What do you mean with forum time? The time in forum is shown in the timezone you put in your profile. i thought it was global..i think its gmt time
  15. Re: Jolteon 30 speed/Prankster Sableye/Trapinch/Flabebe etc <r><QUOTE author="barney"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have bo auction ends in 48hours</r>
  16. Re: Jolteon 30 speed/Prankster Sableye/Trapinch/Flabebe etc <t>Updated with new poke</t>
  17. ice/dragon poke/move for lance kingdra covers both and is easy to find..also many of my friends used spiritomb for gary and lance and set up calm minds to clear each e4
  18. Re: DesuOne Shop (Sneasels and Gligars added) <t>for sneasel no 2 do you have insta?</t>
  19. you misspeled my name on that list lol..TerrorGr not TerrorG
  20. Re: Good pokemons for trade <t>80k happiny 31/31</t>
  21. 1.3?insane lol i dont give that much..maybe reconsider your prices
  22. Re: Good pokemons for trade <t>happiny 31/31 50k</t>
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