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About Ziegfeldz

  • Birthday 10/30/1995

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I was going to start the heatran quest, but I got confused and got into the Stark Mount Exterior Pt with just the snorlax on the team. I thought that from there was already in the quest, however when winning a battle against npc he received exp and gained a level. I know it's not about evolution but is it possible to reverse this? I do not know what kind of solution you give to evolve a level 100 pokemon, but I thought you could roll it back to level 99. I really lost time training him just for this quest. Ty
  2. you can bring any level and any number of pokes Ookay, ty so much
  3. The synch to catch the lvl 30 Heatran should be lvl 60 or less too?
  4. Is it serious that there is no possibility of shinys? hahahahaha I only went to the excavation sites because I thought I could find shinys, now I don't have any more motivation
  5. thx, i beat Nikola. I can only wait now. Ty again for your support
  6. i was trying to capture Raikou when the game simply crashed. He appeared on the 3rd time I beat the guardian. If i win the 4th time, will it appear again? It's really disheartening this sort of thing, it's the third time it's happened to me, two during Celebi's quest and now with Raikou.
  7. Re: Careful Contrary Malamar full trained <t>_______________________________________________________________________<br/> <br/> FULL TIME</t>
  8. Re: Careful Contrary Malamar full trained <r><QUOTE author="Will1994" post_id="444197" time="1505842243" user_id="202097"><s> </e></QUOTE> Please keep bid at least 10k</r>
  9. Re: Careful Contrary Malamar full trained <t>bump. Insta added.</t>
  10. End in: 09/19 08:00pm B.O: 400k by exojhay222 INSTA: 550k Please keep bid at least 10k SOLD in game
  11. I have that. Max HP, 23 Ivs spdef and 28 atk
  12. Re: Shiny Raichu <t>c.o 300k by Krekog<br/> Insta added</t>
  13. Looking for offers for this Accept money/coins/other shinys b.o 350k INSTA: 550k Auction end: 11 september - 23:00h GMT-4
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