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Everything posted by Keanu24

  1. Bump :Crazy:
  2. That Magikarp :devil:
  3. Bump :etc:
  4. Start 900k Insta soon end 2days before first bid :y:
  5. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r><QUOTE author="Aynina"><s> </e></QUOTE> Pm me ingame <E>:y:</E></r>
  6. Goodluck for the Giveaway :y:
  7. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r>Pink Party Hat Sold <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  8. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r><QUOTE author="jannythegreat"><s> </e></QUOTE> Wag na pre hindi h.a hanap nalang sa in game <E>:y:</E></r>
  9. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r><QUOTE author="Kadazzle"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Kadazzle"><s> </e></QUOTE> Its ok i will add poli h.a soon ok Visit again <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  10. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r>Added new Epic Untrain Pokemon <E>:y:</E></r>
  11. That will be great :Heart-eyes:
  12. New Mate :Heart-eyes:
  13. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r>Added More Untrain Pokemon <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  14. pretty much yeah, you can get a porygon in cinnabar as I said before x,x just like the fossil tho xD oK :thanks:
  15. you can't buy them, the only chance to get them is by digging, the celadon quest or the J/J boss, you can get a porygon out of it on Cinnbar Island So Poke can't hold silver Disc?
  16. how much did what cost? I had a 160 IV's pokemon if that's your quesiton How much silver disc cost?
  17. not sure how you ended up with a silver disc but I could choose my reward o/ And also how much it cost?
  18. not sure how you ended up with a silver disc but I could choose my reward o/ :Frown:
  19. Re: Keanu24's Mystery Shop (Pokemon) (Item) ADDED SPECIAL ITEM!!! <r><QUOTE author="DeviateBog72207"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="DeviateBog72207"><s> </e></QUOTE> Cancel <E>:banned:</E></r>
  20. Ok thanks :y:
  21. Are you sure silver Disc can revive to pory?
  22. What is Item Silver Disc ? I got in Celadon Daily Quest Tier 5 165 iv Weedle all my hard work just for this item? :Sleeping: i want Christmas Cracker :Frown:
  23. Re: Bid for pvp ready aggron <r>Bump Pre <E>:y:</E></r>
  24. An1ma :Heart-eyes:
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