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Everything posted by L1f3ender

  1. Re: WTS EPIC Magikarp 31x3 ivs <t>150k for first one</t>
  2. Re: ESPEON TIMID HA - CLEFAIRY EPIC <t>700k for espeon</t>
  3. Re: ♥ DIAMOND GUILD SHOP [EPIC POKES] ♥ <t>also 1.2 mill on slamance</t>
  4. Re: ♥ DIAMOND GUILD SHOP [EPIC POKES] ♥ <t>ill insta walrien</t>
  5. Re: Aarathen's Mart (21 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (9 New) <t>250k tyran</t>
  6. Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild) <t>if anyone is online and can drop me a discord invite please! all the ones ive tried to use are expired lol</t>
  7. Do you guys have com? i might join
  8. Re: Shadows Clan-Recruiting.! (international guild) <t>Ingame name: L1f3ender<br/> Badges/playtime: 16 170<br/> Your goal in pro: Have some of the strongest and rarest pokemon and win tournys. Training best iv pokemon with perfect evs<br/> Can u use discord while playing? Yes<br/> Why should we accept you: Im a great guy and love helping people out as much as i love to win :D</t>
  9. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>yeah cool stuff ! and thanks msg anything i need to know on here. any help you guys need or anything.</t>
  10. im looking to join! im 23 been playing pokemon since gen 1
  11. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>ill join<br/> IGN: l1f3ender<br/> <br/> Age:23<br/> <br/> Tell me about Yourself: Im a guy that has grown up an avid gamer. I play all kind of games. Ive been playing pokemon since gen 1. Im a good guy that likes to help out. also i have a very good understanding of evs, ivs and just pokemon in general.<br/> <br/> Which position are you applying for:executive<br/> <br/> Favorite Pokemon: eevee<br/> <br/> Why do you want to join the Pokemon Elites: I want to be in a guild with people that have common goals with me</t>
  12. Re: PurpleDrank - Server First Guild <t>Im looking to join - whats the teamspeak? my IGN: l1f3ender</t>
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