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Everything posted by Serena

  1. Awesome idea +1 to this
  2. Serena


    Plz search the forum before making any posts. This queue suggestion is already made a lot of times. I don't know what you see, but i can clearly see a "forget password" option on the login page.
  3. Maybe your Antivirus is deleting it again and again. Hmm but Antivirus never deletes a zip file. Weird. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php
  4. What? What 5 medals? Plz explain correctly.
  5. Good Afternoon :Shy:
  6. Wooow there's one more person with this problem on forum.
  7. Serena


    Its already suggested once if i remember correctly, and staff said no coz it'll need more than just some photoshop or w/e thing to do it.
  8. An auto updater was there in past, but it got removed. It'll again get implemented, just have patience.
  9. Yup, download the new client. It should been uploaded a few mins ago. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php
  10. OMG!!! A typing It should be "No you [glow=red]can't[/glow] play it on iOS. If even the client is made, you'll need to jailbreak your iPhone/iPad."
  11. No you can play it on iOS. If even the client is made, you'll need to jailbreak your iPhone/iPad
  12. Awwwww thank you so very much :Shy: I'll be looking forward to play with you in-game.
  13. Actually the correct place would be "General Support" section to ask questions. And currently I don't think there are any way of seeing others trainer card or details.
  14. Welcome to PRO Akaari, enjoy your stay.
  15. That's what I'm asking. Plz explain your suggestion, what PRO staff could do to make it better?
  16. GMs and normal players like me and many others always tell them to check forum before making a new thread, but..............welll, somethings can never be changed.
  17. Ugh will you explain it more? @Beast53 Coz the things you're suggesting, forum already works this way.
  18. Serena


    You can trade and get moneys -_- that's not a big problem. And I don't think, account reset will ever happen.
  19. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay. Btw what kind of doctor you are? And yeah, even I can't wait for Pokemon Go \(^_^)/
  20. Well Scaydi almost answered every question of your, so I'm only here to welcome you, lol. :Smile: Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  21. Hi Shaun, Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay.
  22. Welcome to PRO and enjoy your stay. You work in Pizza Hut, huh? Can i get some pizza for free? :Smile:
  23. This will never be implemented. Plz search the forum from next time to see if the suggestion you're giving is already being made by someone or not. Here's the topic. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2962&p=26658&hilit=Nickname#p26658
  24. Serena


    An auction house is already planned.
  25. Plz from next time search the forum before making a post. This suggestion is already made a lot of times.
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