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Everything posted by Aidan95sg

  1. 1m8 garchomp
  2. 600
  3. i can start with 600 if u want
  4. 4m1 By Tufaast. 48h left.
  5. I started saturday : no answer Sunday : no answer Monday : canceled my offer
  6. Start offer from Saturday , i have tried to pm the guy on discord No answer. And today i canceled my offer, now he want to report me, there are the screenshots :
  7. you dont answer since 2 days in Pm, you are not serious, i cancel my offer
  8. i offered 1m5 but i'm the only one
  9. I'm online : Aidan95sg
  10. Pm me i'm online : Aidan95sg
  11. i withdraw my offer , i cant wait 24 hours .
  12. so you start the bid? i start 2m if u want
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