Smartest: Mjolnir
Friendliest: Mjolnir
Funniest: Mjolnir
Coolest: Crossfate
Comeback Player of the Year: Crossfate
Most Talkative: Nedaraze
Most Trustworthy: Nedaraze
Most Helpful: Nedaraze
Most Missed: Nedaraze
Most Influential: Crossfate
Most Intriguing: Nedaraze
Most Experienced Player: Nedaraze
Best/Funniest Username: 777nico
Most Professional Guide Maker: NoelleZor
Most Professional Discord Moderator: Ichibann
Best Mapper: Tempa
Best Artist: Candace
Best Content Scripter: Adun
Best Community Coordinator: Nezuko
Best Moderator: Rise
Best Trade Moderator: Salt
Best Game Master: Logan
Best Admin: Red
Best Staff Username: Caged
Most Professional Staff: Eaty
Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty
Funniest Staff: Epiales
Friendliest Staff: Menrva
Most Honorable Former Staff: Nezuko
Most Missed Former Staff: Qeight
in this xmas event everyone get rerol ticket, joeys mom gives it but i didnt get it help me becouse that rerol ticket will realy help me at the game , i catch kyurem so i should have it
Chcę dołączyć gdyż nie mam gildii kiedyś mnie do tej gildii zaprosił zaxs12 ale nie grałem dużo czasu i zostałem wyrzucony i wszyscy znajomi mi sie usuneli, skończyłem sinnoh ,gram od roku .
I wanted to finish the psyduck quest but I could not because the psyduck which I had to save was invisible and I could do nothing before me became invisible psyduck I could not talk to them