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Everything posted by Pandre

  1. Ciao a tutti! Cerco una gilda italiana (Amichevole/Competitiva) sul server rosso, o in caso sul blu dato che è più popolato. Avevo già giocato precedentemente quando Hoenn ancora non era uscita e ho ripreso in questi giorni. sul rosso ho 170 ore, sul blu sto iniziando ora. Fatemi sapere!
  2. As you can see, cheese penguin won't fall if you drain happyness from a hoven, cause pop corn always bite you if you're dressing white while cooking cloudy shoes. Neppo :Heart: PRO :Heart:
  3. ok good to know! thank for your answer, i ll close the argument telling you about a PvP annoyance. it's not rare, during a PvP, someone's loosing and voluntarily disconnect, avoiding loose-win question leaving the classification unchanged. Anyways there's a way to know the highest level of the trainer you re challenging before the match? ty all and sorry for all this question.
  4. As the title says, I wanna ask you about title argument. I heard only about macho brace, Are the various Bracers already in game? if not, will be? and about the Mac, I now it's a unity problem, but mac player could anyways play without texting in the meantime or this generate problem? the last question i m not sure if it's an issues: when i trade, my pokemon insta travel to box instead in the team, so if someone wanna trade me for example a kadabra this one travel to box, and i ve to trade it again to let it evolve and again to take it back. This is not urgent and i don't know if that's a problem but anyways i ve let you know about this issues. Thanks for your time!
  5. can i ask you if there s a way to change my email account?
  6. ok i'll do it!
  7. all solved :) don't know if you ve done something or not but ty for your time/help!
  8. today i was changing some of my personal info, and i swapped several time from donate to get 100 coin on the site, cause i wanted to donate something, but after these swap i can t logged anymore from 4 pm. I tried restarting router but nothing changed, pc or mobile version aren't able to connect to the website. Is my ip address banned or locked? for now i can play but game get so much time to start and just some minutes ago he bringed me from blaine isles to fuchsia.. Thank you in advance!
  9. ty all :) and yes, already done 50 hours and i m enjoying it as best ^^
  10. I play pokemon since 6 year (when pokemon red appears to the first game boy) and i m not gonna lie when i told that this game is the dream i ve always searched for years. Not all the games give you the feeling of being made for you, and i can feel this by the dedication of all the staffer/gm and everyone work about this game. You created a game that i can feel, helping community and making feel the users at home, and i hope you ll receive all the help you need to improve this game experience without going crazy. :thanks: ! P.S. I love to fight when i m available, so feel free to add me, same name upper, and i'm Italian. Have a good Journey!
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