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Everything posted by Kelbin

  1. Re: Insta Shop - H.a Gothitelle - H.a Dragonite - H.a Clone Charizard - Modest Volcarona - <t>slow 800k</t>
  2. Re: ♥ArielggShop♥ [PVP/SHINY] 11/12 Update! <t>buy inst donphan</t>
  3. 700k :confused:
  4. 550k :Shy:
  5. Re: Cantstopwontstops humble Competitive Shop [temporarily closed - will be back in a few days, pls dont trash :)] <t>700k for azumarill 26 atk</t>
  6. aaaaaa
  7. if you have question just cmt in youtube ty 480p and watch <3
  8. the last video today if you wanna more video just cmt in youtube and sub <3 have a nice day i go to sleep and come back tomorrow <3
  9. Thank @KPgary <3 Can you sub and like or something cmt in my youtube ... :) i just a new just Please say something to me trying to develop ^^ .
  10. Thank @Howlyn Can you sub and like or something cmt in my youtube ... :) i just a new just Please say something to me trying to develop ^^
  11. Yahh ty so much <3 have a nice dayyy
  12. - I produced my first few videos wishing you take a look and support: P. You give me comments and do not forget to follow to take the next video. Thanks everyone ^^ - Link : - Ty for read have a nice dayy guyy
  13. Re: PVP READY EPIC AND SEMI EPIC POKES[iNSTA ADDED] <t>900k for talon</t>
  14. Re: PVP READY EPIC AND SEMI EPIC POKES[iNSTA ADDED] <t>800k for talon</t>
  15. Re: Sell Epic H.A Fletching <r>650k <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  16. - Server you play on. Red - Player name (if it's somehow different from your forum user name). Kelbin - What you did exactly to reach that point. Completed the quest before? Talked to Wattson in New Mauville? . i completed the quest before but yesterday when i went to New Mauville to fight boss.Then i saw Wattson and team magma and aqua so the quest was resetted.Then i did the mission but only one computer was activated -Relevant screenshots if possible:Sr i don't have sreenshots cause i don't know i have to do the mission again
  17. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Untrained & Others] <t>300k for donphan</t>
  18. Re: h.a Dragonite, Staraptor and Electivire good poke <t>400k electivire</t>
  19. Re: WTS Epic Bold Togekiss \\ Epic Impish Skarmory \\ Good IVs HA Gligar <t>250k for gligar</t>
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