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About Zwazse

  • Birthday 08/22/1998

Personal Information

  • Career
    Don't really have a Career & Doing Gaming for Fun, and all Around a Fun Person! ^-^
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  • Occupation
    Don't really have a Career & Doing Gaming for Fun,

Zwazse's Achievements



  1. Re: Looking for some reliable daycarer (fixprice 250k each poke/1day timelimit) <t>Hit me up, I am free currently i can Train your Pokemons...</t>
  2. Msg me Plez :D
  3. Re: Looking for some reliable daycarer (fixprice 250k each poke/1day timelimit) <r>~My Job's Done~<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/3e266b841e8442e5aaffaaca39c3f101.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/99773bf83ff84f109f87a0ac62460fbb.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  4. ~Derching: Done (EV Train)
  5. ~Hafizman93 (Done)
  6. Re: Looking for some reliable daycarer (fixprice 250k each poke/1day timelimit) <r><URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=159&t=60728"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 59&t=60728">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=159&t=60728</LINK_TEXT></URL> <~~~~</r>
  7. Feel Free to pm me ingame [ref]hafizman93[/ref] ^_^
  8. [glow=green]Completed Clients:[/glow] </FONT>
  9. [glow=red]Current Clients:[/glow] </FONT>
  10. [glow=purple]Hello Everyone!, Today I'll be opening a Daycare Shop for [Leveling/Ev Training]![/glow] [glow=Green]Current Team: (Message In-game If you're interested)[/glow] [glow=red][~] Zwazse[/glow] [glow=red][~] Aeyro[/glow] [glow=green]Note: We Work as a 2-player Group, but We'll Finish our Job 1-2 Days Max (Depending on How Busy We are), Please do Read RULES[/glow] Order Request: RULES: 1. Minimum level of pokemon that we will accept for leveling is [glow=red]5[/glow] for unevolved and [glow=red]20[/glow] evolved, While EV Training are [glow=red]20[/glow] for Evolved/UnEvolved. 2. If by the End of The Daycare Service you aren't Willing to pay Up, We'll wait up to 3 Days Max, Otherwise Pokemon trained will Be [glow=red]Sold or Kept[/glow]. 3. We Don't Provide Moves through Leveling Up, So Don't ask me if [glow=red]"I Could Learn (XXXXX) Move when my Pokemon is Level (XXXXX)"[/glow]. 4. Every Level Pokemon Gained from EV Training will be added as 1,000$ Fee Per Level. 5. If Pokemon Has unnecessary EVs, Pls Remove them, as i Don't want to go through the Trouble of Getting the Berries. 6. Last but not the Least, Pls Don't Spam me/Disturb me While i am Training your Pokemon. [glow=green]Note : I will be Posting Updates on This Trhead/Topic on Clients that are Done.[/glow] RATES: UNEVOLVED:</U></B><i></i> 5-50 = 1,500 per level, 51-85 = 2,000 per level, 86-95 = 4,000 per level, 5-95 = total of 125,000. EVOLVED:<i></i> 20-60 = 1,000 per level, 61-85 = 2,000 per level, 86-95 = 4,000 per level, 20-95 = total of 150,000. SIDE QUEST POKEMONS:<i></i> [glow=purple]Ratata 1-80 = 75k[/glow] [glow=yellow]Pikachu 1-100 = 150k[/glow] EV TRAINING:<i></i> [glow=purple]Max Training (510), 2 Max and 6 on a Random EV.[/glow][glow=green](100,000)[/glow]
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