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Everything posted by Bullseye

  1. meh..those who dont know what makes a pokemon good..i bet they dont read the forum too
  2. sold cleffa and deerling ingame
  3. try again ...i tried doing an alt account in 1 day and didnt get a mail
  4. welcome to pro
  5. 23
  6. not having a MS is pay to win..the fact that u can sell it is... but really game need a lot of money to keep going ...im ok with this and its something normal ...some people just dont get it that u cant make anything just with good will . and arroar ..50k in 5min ?..maybe in 1 hour or 2..u lost the notion of time man:d PS hope ill find a job soon and pay some money for u myself lol :d
  7. Bullseye


    man...that message appear only when server is down (at least for me) ..didnt see a full server on a long time now ...
  8. he is right about 1 thing ...pay towin is almost true (u pay real money to get poke$ and then buy good pokes)..BUT anyone do what he wants with his money and the game need some cash to stay up and running and have this awesome team to fix bugs and implement more stuff... this game SHOULDNT be charity , people who work should get something in return . And some pay money to get poke$ without farming (maybe no time,or they have a busy job ) . you suggest them to ask money for the game and a monthly fee like the big companies do? cuz i dont see how can someone keep this game up and running just with its own money
  9. so what can u do there? ...just like 5 useless npc (yea including grandmaster shane ) and 2 grass area...and closed buildings.... i missed something?
  10. Sold [spoil]1. Cleffa - sold 180k + metal coat ing to sasukeee [/spoil] 2. Wobbuffet 31 hp - no bo SOLD [spoil]3. Deerling -31 atk 26 spd jolly- no bo [/spoil] 4. Mightyena almost full Ev trained adamant 31 atk 26 spd - no bo 5. Charizard lvl 100 timid 31 spd 25 spatk 6. Salamence lvl 100 naive 28 spd 24 atk 7. Rapidash adamant 30 atk 27 spd Shiny pokemons [spoil]8. Shiny kingler - no bo 30 atk 9. Shiny Pidgey no bo [/spoil]
  11. that one is not working good..
  12. welcome to pro
  13. https://shadowfied.com/prostatus/
  14. guys for you is the server working?
  15. yea ..killed a togepi once :D
  16. i just got it...and it works ...win 7 64 bit
  17. so you give some crappy pokes for poke$ ?..really bro really?
  18. better than i expected man :d its awesome ty ty ty ..hope ill repay u with some shiny soon when i get 1 :D if u want ofc
  19. Bullseye


    Just go on victory road and train your pokemons around level 80 ....train until most of them faint or have no PP left , then go back to PC ,heal them...fight again . You will make money enough to buy some pots and revives ... And i suggest getting a Gyarados with Dragon Dance for a better chance
  20. welcome to pro :D just do your best and you will start winning for sure !!
  21. you cant...if u get something good..i sugest to relog fast , thats like a save .
  22. you cant...if u get something good..i sugest to relog fast , thats like a save .
  23. Just use a Golem with bulldoze to make him slower...or magnemite ( ofc with Sturdy ) ..not so hard... and u said u had a lot of revives ,thats a good thing ) sure win.. Or train a Gyarados or some poke with boost so u can win easily
  24. so u will make 100 characters just to get a good starter... i dont think they will even consider this
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