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About Yato

  • Birthday 11/01/1989

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  1. Im not sure if its just me but the heavy load of the website on my cell kinda makes it hard to interact on the forums so my suggestion is in the title
  2. :Crazy: i promise im not illiterate lol just getting stupid lag from all the damn pumpkins
  3. omg this site i hell to load. On my new phone but thank you for your response no one can complain about it now or at least i can understand that i hope all goes well with them i. Enjoy this game enough to wait a few more days for. The update. And response from them thank you again
  4. Still no word from devs about our memberships?
  5. Calling it a donation dosent change the fact that you still pay monthly. But it is what it is. Its only five dollars id still like to hear frpm thw devs on it
  6. Yeah that's understandable but I play on android because I don't have a computer I also am paying for a membership to a game I can not play for a week.
  7. What about the event?? We can't participate in it due to an out dated client?? No fenekin =( can we get a response for this
  8. Can we get an update haven't played sense this morning due to the bug :thanks:
  9. Still not fixed??
  10. Thank jeebus I thought I was the only one I litearlly through my phone in anger lol just tried still bugged
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