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About Tyson

  • Birthday 04/25/1998

Personal Information

  • Career
    Pokemon Master, Chick magnet
  • Occupation
    Pokemon Master, Chick magnet

Tyson's Achievements



  1. Welcome to the Revolution.
  2. Welcome to the Revolution.
  3. Welcome to the Revolution
  4. Had the same problem, had to log off with F4 due to me being in fullscreen.
  5. Welcome to the Revolution
  6. Welcome to the Revolution
  7. Welcome to the Revolution
  8. Tyson

    Missing ledge

    Some tiles have been replaced I believe, Boom says they will be visible in the new client. [if it's not then please ignore this comment]
  9. Recommendations from Youtube.
  10. Welcome to the Revolution
  11. Welcome to the Revolution
  12. Welcome to the Revolution
  13. - Not trying to support online dating or anything. - There could be a marriage system in a certain island / town, or just a wedding ring item in general that allows 2 people to get married. :Heart: [May or may not get anything from marrying each other, just tells them who they are married to.] Similarly, there can be a divorce system where any of them can leave if they feel unsatisfied with their relationship. :Cry: What do you think?
  14. Please don't post sites that involve swear words. Thank you.
  15. Welcome to the Revolution :xwelcomesign:
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