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Everything posted by Lukestephens360

  1. Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo! <t>1. IGN(In Game Name) - lukestephens360<br/> 2. Age - 19<br/> 3. Location/Country - UK<br/> 4. Hours Played(view trainer card) - Around 2 hours(Server down can not view card)<br/> 5. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? If so, can they vouch for you? - No<br/> 6. List all previous guild that you have been apart of in PRO and the reason for your departure. - N/A<br/> 7. Can you be active in Teamspeak? - Yes, i have a working mic and prefer to use TS rather then typing.<br/> 8. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? Yes i do!</t>
  2. Hey all! Been playing Pokemon since I can remember from the gameboy in black and white all the way up to the 3ds, loved them all can't wait to get my teeth into this game :) Have a good one see you in game!
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