Wait I am confused will fly be usable for transport or not... because I will seriously cry if it isn't ;p
Okay just hear me out:
"1- You can farm money while going from point X to Point Y."
True but sometimes I don't have the patience or carefactor to walk from point X to Y especially if its a long distance
"2- You'll have more chance to encounter a shiny on your way rather than flying there faster."
A lot of players really don't care that much and I personally will take fast transport over a shiny...
"3- There are some NPC mechanics that work based on your "been playing for" time. This will increase their chances on getting a proper reward."
Fair enough
"4- You'll have a better chance to catch a suitable Pokemon for competitive use if you're using correct methods."
Yes but... what if I just want to follow the story side of the game then walking everywhere becomes a drag and suddenly I lose interest?
"5- Once a player will realize this, they will try to find methods to exploit this for their use. The only one i have found is MS usage, doubles the payout & exp.
Basically you will be promoting playing the game and every player will be rewarded the more they play."
Same thing that I said about option 4 if there is no fly and payout/exp isn't their 100% priority then this becomes a drag and their interest will start to dwindle. I understand the need for an MMO to have players playing the game more but that also involves keeping their attention.
Personally your I think your 1 con easily outweighs your 5 pros. I just can't imagine a good pokemon game without fly!
PS I am sorry if Fly is already in the game or something, I had a quick look on forms and couldn't find anything, also haven't reached that point in-game. I am looking for the best pokemon mmo and so far this one is by far the best but without 'fly' I just can't see myself wanting to spend time doing quests etc