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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Two wrong tiles in Vermilion City:
  2. Re: BEST TURTWIG INGAME? (4x30) - BO 550k - NO LOWBALLERS PLEASE <t>Might want to change the title since it isn't 4x30.<br/> However, good luck selling if you haven't already.</t>
  3. Same problem here; Should be on Resort Gorgeous, if you don't see the rocket member wait for next reboot I was told.
  4. Is it possible to make a list of censored words for each official language chat? For instance, in the official french chat there would be only french swear words censored (Eventually also common english swear words), same for the other chats. I know an overall censorship would censor words from other languages which aren't bad, this actually happens for the word "shower" in french (D*uche) and tends to turn a normal phrase ("I'll go and shower, brb") in phrases which could be badly interpreted ("I'll go and ****** , brb")
  5. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Happy Holidays! 500<br/> <br/> Good Luck everyone!</t>
  6. On 26. December 2015 at 2:31 PM, more seriously he answered your question above. And no I don't see what you mean.
  7. Actually there is one.... https://pokemonrevolution.net/
  8. Thank you :)
  9. Suggestion: Add the Halloween Shop for a short duration where one could trade Halloween Points for items somewhere in Kanto. I am probably not the only one who was sleeping when the notice "Event ending soon" was posted and therefore didn't trade the Halloween Points. Should be quite easy, for example, to add the Script to the witch still at Vermilions Docks.
  10. Good Luck everyone :)
  11. 1: 2: 3:
  12. Re: Item Locations + discription! [uPDATED: Macho Brace + Nocturnal Feather, :D exams done, i am back] <t>I got these from dig sites:<br/> <br/> -Kings Rock<br/> -TM 48 (Rock Slide)</t>
  13. Anyway if you want to advance in the game (By beating the Elite 4 and then starting in Johto) you have to "kill" it, else you are stuck. Also when you beat it it says "XXX flew away" which probably means you might be able to encounter it in the future again (Catchable or non catchable event).
  14. For Atk. EV I tend to go on Route 12, common Bellsprouts (1) and Weepinbell (2). You get a few tangelas and pidgeys aswell but doesn't bother too much
  15. I'll add here instead of making a new thread: The text which appears right after Blissey gives you the potion there is a space missing between "Wait!what?".
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