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Everything posted by Leekhoasoooo

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated MINIBOSS !!] <r><QUOTE author="MestrePokemon"><s> </e></QUOTE> go to the south, in a cave XD</r>
  2. Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC calm Bulbasaur | Gyarados | added new poke !] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰ <r><QUOTE author="AkeeZo"><s> </e></QUOTE> start with 200k</r>
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated MINIBOSS !!] <r><QUOTE author="laiam2"><s> </e></QUOTE> updated ^^<e> </e></QUOTE> Thank you Lek~<br/> U did amazing job.<e> </e></QUOTE> :D <QUOTE author="Lilligant"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks you ^^ Does the Dragonite at Dragons Den B1F is a boss too ? xD</r>
  4. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More trees !! Canyon Entrance !!] ✰ <r><E>:thanks:</E></r>
  5. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated MINIBOSS !!] <r><QUOTE author="laiam2"><s> </e></QUOTE> updated ^^</r>
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="psylo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks you i will try and update the guide ^^</r>
  7. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="Fireblood"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for your information ^^</r>
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="riccatt"><s> </e></QUOTE> pvp ranked reward ;)</r>
  9. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More trees !! Joltik, Sewaddle, Taillow !!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="Krem443"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="psylo"><s> </e></QUOTE> It seems to have no influence since i've already found Hoothoot during day time.<br/> <br/> Turtwig fletchling and Chimchar being the rarest pokes you can find in headbutt trees, that might be the reason why you still haven't found them.<e> </e></QUOTE> yes 0,001% XD i think so XD</r>
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <t>Please tell me which reward u got after beat the Tyranitar mini boss XD</t>
  11. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More trees !! Joltik, Sewaddle, Taillow !!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="BySaToChi"><s> </e></QUOTE> You are welcome :D <QUOTE author="CrystalPoke"><s> </e></QUOTE> /thanks for your information <E>:n:</E></r>
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="Lilligant"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks you ^^</r>
  13. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="Krem443"><s> </e></QUOTE> fixed, but a guy blocked the entrance<e> </e></QUOTE> not fixed, don't speak to him atm, he will make you freeze and you will need to relog :(<e> </e></QUOTE> i didnt get freeze, he said that i need to bring to him a artifact</r>
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="Dohko"><s> </e></QUOTE> fixed, but a guy blocked the entrance</r>
  15. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="vrana"><s> </e></QUOTE> how to find the stone to get in the tanoby ruin ? XD</r>
  16. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="no123"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yes you can fight it, only 1 time though [until you win]<e> </e></QUOTE> is it only for membership?<e> </e></QUOTE> sevii island = membership only <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  17. Wrap should no longer stop your opponent from switching after you switch out I almost win until Bellcranel68 use wrap + perish song his milotic wrap my milotic then switched out and politoed in, perish song me, i cant switch my milo, then he switch his milo in again and continue wrap, 3 turn later -> rip my milo
  18. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="Lilligant"><s> </e></QUOTE> Is a boss too ? XD</r>
  19. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="oldtomato"><s> </e></QUOTE> NICE XD</r>
  20. Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Marill | Tyranitar ! EPIC Frillish added !] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰ <r><QUOTE author="enchi"><s> </e></QUOTE> i cant change the auction time ^^ Goodluck sir :D</r>
  21. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [More trees !! Joltik, Sewaddle, Taillow !!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="oldtomato"><s> </e></QUOTE> GENIUS !!!</r>
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