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Everything posted by Skimsy

  1. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Our Demons Edition <t>no</t>
  2. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <r><QUOTE author="Doty"><s> </e></QUOTE> i like this<e> </e></QUOTE> +1<br/> <br/> Likers: Datash, Doty<br/> Haters: Kildaru, Gradiusic<br/> <br/> At least it's even c':</r>
  3. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <r><QUOTE author="Gawerty"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm not important, friend? :(<e> </e></QUOTE> eeep. Actually you are an exception x.x <br/> Forgot. <br/> Nervous laughs.</r>
  4. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <r>Was up for some sketches of (most of) da goon squad. As benders. <br/> <IMG src="https://orig13.deviantart.net/3874/f/2015/288/5/3/goonbenderz_by_skimsy-d9d5jb0.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <URL url="https://fav.me/d9d5jb0">https://fav.me/d9d5jb0</URL><br/> <br/> Srry if you're not included. It's prolly bc i don't know you or you're not important enough.</r>
  5. Yep. Reset the settings, uninstalled it a few times as well (some sites worked on and off) and ran a cleaner, anti malware stuff, antiviruses. Nada. Oh well.
  6. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <r><QUOTE author="FayDZet"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have to write [ref]sickkitten[/ref] beautiful melodies to join. <br/> HALLO?</r>
  7. Yeah, it turns out to be a problem with chrome... gradually migrating to firefox now P:
  8. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <t>You should put that on your resume, gradu P:</t>
  9. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Keyblade Edition <t>reported 4 spam</t>
  10. I feel like this fine piece of work should be included in your gallery: One of Gradiusic's better work. The more you look at it, the clearer the message is. Quite touching and deep. And the eyes. With Gradi's skillful hand, he's made it seem as if the ninetales is staring intenently into your soul; as if it knows your secrets... your past... as if it knows you. I thank Gradi every night before I go to sleep when I say my prayers. Have you met our lord and savior Jesus Christ?
  11. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Koala Fight Edition <t>it was fun being around<br/> :' ) <br/> <br/> somewhat.</t>
  12. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Koala Fight Edition <r><QUOTE author="Kyokizu"><s> </e></QUOTE> <IMG src="https://s2.quickmeme.com/img/85/85ae14997309eafabd04e8a1de138aaee1e64e42872b78938cef06d75fb0eb67.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. Yes, www.pokemonrevolution.net
  14. Currently, I'm using a proxy to access the forums to make this report. I get this https://prntscr.com/8hwwls or this https://prntscr.com/8hwwyg (googling the game and clicking on the site). I don't think I got banned nor had any reason to? If that's the case, however, then oops lel. It worked on and off at one point, but not properly (it would redirect me back to the main site randomly) It doesn't work on either of the browsers, and I tried it on my phone as well. Thanks.
  15. Re: Comic: Pokemon Revolution Online: TUC <t>Aight.<br/> Page 3 up</t>
  16. Seems too good to be true. Hopefully something like this happens in our lifetime P:
  17. Re: NEW Comic: Pokemon Revolution Online: TUC <t>Ahhh thanks again y'all ;u; <br/> means alot.</t>
  18. Re: NEW Comic: Pokemon Revolution Online: TUC <t>Part 2 is up P:</t>
  19. Lol, all i had to do was interact with the blank space shoutout to masterjoe
  20. So, basically, it won't let me go from the sixth floor to the seventh. (specifically the stairs seem to be blocked; they don't let me in) I've battled the fourth gym, beat Giovanni (got the silph scope), and read Fuji's notes. Am I missing something or is this bug? Thanks.
  21. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Card Games on Motorcycles Edition <r>op mareep btw<br/> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  22. Skimsy

    Re: Mt. Goon

    I propose a change to the theme song jkjk B)
  23. Agreed with what Samesky said. Nicknames are pretty important and they aren't very hard to implement. (I Assume) I dont think many people would rename their pokemon to something offenssive; those who do would just get reported Also, a small fee can be placed.
  24. Awh that sucks ;n; But thank you!
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