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Posts posted by Digomenezes

  1. First of all, you will discover some topics, why the system really needs to be updated, it was very important for you to approach the subject, excellent post.






    I still find the excavation score low to unlock both tier and other sites. Since it is a mmo game, if you manage to do a large part of excavations, you will reach a maximum of 10.000 points, in a month and a half to two months, which is a short period for something rewarding.






    The use of synchronize is fair, the rate is the same for all other pokemons, inside or outside the excavation. This, as I said, goes into balance for a mmo game, avoiding market saturation and reaching the end game easily.





    I agree, the items are totally useless, for the late game or end game, and should not be buffed, but exchanged for something more rewarding, since there are still chances of not getting anything from the excavation stones.


    Here is a list of items that are not used very often and drop into the excavation:

    • revivalherb.png Revival Herb
    • healpowder.png Heal Powder
    • energypowder.png Energy Powder




    Exchange or remove items that are not used, mentioned above. Do something rotating with the points obtained in the excavation or "Artifact Pieces", as well as the points of PVE, which has a rotation to change in certain pokemons, so that they can be better used, at the moment we have some items that do not make sense to have like gems, berrys, vitamins and TM's.


    Removing Rhyhorn, from the Dragon Site, it makes no sense to have this Pokemon there, and it is even a bad joke, you complete 10,000 points to open the Site and have something like this Pokemon that is not even the drogon type.



    +1 to him

    • Like 1
  2. 1591815519398.png.62ac2384c9f53e946df810932d846b56.png

    Yo!! Welcome to another pink auction!

    Min offer for start = 1m

    C.O = 1m by kboww

    Time = 2 days from the moment i receive the first offer (probably the first reply here will be the start time)

    Min raise/bid = 200k

    Insta = 3m


    my acc = digomenezes



    thank you guys, wish u luck


    edit: finish 16:32 friday (gmt-3)

    • Like 1
  3. Then make it harder for yourself. Dont drag everyone else into playing the way you wanna play. The game doesnt revolve around you.


    That last part.. that'sthe way thisgame works dude, how do you not understand that?

    hmm, can't drag to "my" way, but you can drag to yours hahaha ok

  4. Thanks for your suggestion, but you should re-think what you suggested.


    There is 2 types of person/players:


    1: The Student

    -Have some free time

    -After school can go spend some time playing

    -Have free weekends

    -Time to time has his vacations


    2: The Adult

    -Work in most of the days of the week;

    -Low amount of hours to play;

    -After work have to take care of his family or irl problems;

    -In the end of the day only have 1-2 hours of free time to play(luckily)




    How do you think the type 2 will have time to hunt a decent pokemon for megas?He wont, i already have most of my megas ready, i have been playing this game for long but i know some people will have this problem.

    Being able to buy the pokemons for megas will help them a lot, is not a pay to win, but is a more fair way to do the things for everyone, type1 have the time and type 2 have the money.


    As conclusion this is a big -1 to this idea.



    *this is not even my case, i do work but luckily i do have a good work where i can have time to myself, my family and to have sometimes, but not many people have that opportunity*


    i understand that puting tradable "megas" helps type 2 a lot and does not harm type 1 so badly. i just prefer pro like old days, harder. have some adrenaline to know that i hunt a pokemon for a while to get them, and knowing that a type 2 put 5123123 dollars bought the most powerfull one because he can, is sad

  5. Like @0danobunaga & @Sushantkm have mentioned, saying that you must be original trainer to have a strong bond with the Pokemon is a flawed concept itself, and imo such concept should not be made popular in a Pokemon game. Nintendo/Game Freak apparently did not go that route.


    It's like telling kids that you must be its/her/his "first" in order to bring happiness to such thing/person.


    Happiness should be earned, and should not be restricted by something you can't change, like not being the original trainer of the Pokemon.


    Any implementation that validates such flawed concept, unintentionally or not, is a -1 for me.

    as i said, this argument is valid for anime, here in pro, the bond is closer to OT, not happiness (you take 100% happines in 20 minutes..), but i undertood you.

  6. Stop talking down to everyone who doesnt agree with you. Guess what, in this game if you have money you get to buy stuff.


    "Easy" what?? Then why not ban trading all together? It makes no sense, pack it up.


    I'm just debating here, if you're not in the mood to express your opinion and have a debate for that, you can leave, very sentimental.

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