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About Killarusca

Killarusca's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Do you have an insta price or s.o?
  2. 800k
  3. Im interested in your crawdaunt can you pm me in discord Killarusca#3341 or ingame?
  4. Can you pm me in discord Killarusa#3341 when you're on?
  5. I second this
  6. Ill buy your ferrothorn
  7. Re: WTS>Delphox Timid. Good IVs [94hours left] <t>230k:D</t>
  8. Just saying you shouldn't post this at personal shops
  9. Looks nice! Would be nice to put your ign tho so we can pm you directly ingame
  10. Ill start chansey
  11. Interested in the malamar, can you pm me ingame or on discord so we can negotiate?
  12. Whats the start on togepi or c.o?
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