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Posts posted by Revelion

  1. 289135 Apologies for not keeping the guide constantly up to date, if someone could make a quick summary of what changed and what is new / removed I'll update it as soon as possible :)

    They removed from Natural site: Starly and bouffalant, now cancea is common and shroomish at 400 disco

    Also at historical site between the 2 pillars you have a chance to encounter riolu

  2. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] September


    <r><QUOTE author="PhibaOptix"><s>

    </s><POST content="282994"><s></s>282994<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="youraxx27"><s>
    </s><POST content="198376"><s></s>198376<e></e></POST> Beat Naero Boss in Cerulean Cave (Need to confirn)<e>


    <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s>Just to confirm you dont need to have beat Naero Boss.<e></e></COLOR><br/>


    I have 200+hrs Play Time & Have just defeated Lance in Dragons Den<br/>


    ... I was literally on my way to Cerlulean Cave for the first time and spoke to Brock on the off chance as I was passing... He offered me the quest and I googled it to see what it was about and here I am <E>:Grin:</E><e>



    well you can start the quest BUT you cant enter at day care house if you havent beat naero</r>

  3. 273035
    272993 Well, if i lend a pokemon to a friend to beat the elite 4, for example


    The pokemon will come back with the starter happiness... Should i worry about this?


    Does Happiness affect other things that not Using dig/rock smash and happiness evolutions?


    Cause if not, i have nothing to worry

    272998 Nope you dont have to worry happiness needed for some abilities (like frisk iirc) and just for some moves (like rock smash,dig and dive)

    Frisk or any ability not need happy requirement. Happy only impact to using headbutt,dive,dig and damage of some move such as Return.


    --Moved to proper place--

    Oh cool thanks didnt knew because many people was saying you need happiness for frisk thats why i said it ^^

  4. 261486
    261484 May i know how to use covet? I use banette as my first pokemon and i encounter primeape in cerulean cave then i change to linoone and use covet on primeape , llinoonw fails to steal anything and manage to damage primeape half of his lifes which means primeape is only half lifes now. Then i change back to bannette and use knock off on primeape and comes out a message that primeape black belt is knock off by banette. Why this happen, covet should steal primeape black belt right?


    is your linoone holding an item? coz if your pokemon use thief/covet while holding an item the move cant steal it.

    thats how I observe it when farming an item

    covet supposed to work even if you hold item ^_^ only thief doesnt work while you hold item

  5. 241339
    239030 seems pokemon I used to find and catch before are now running away.....doesn't make sense. Seems the higher experience I get the less rare pokes I find.

    Well your MS probably run out.Iirc MS helps you to get rare pokes with less discoveries.


    that was exactly what happened lmao i found out after that excavation run.... I'm such a noob =p but yeah doing excavation sites w/out membership is absolutely NOT recommended.

    I feel you did today sites without MS so yeah xD

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