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Heroofthestreet last won the day on May 4 2020

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  1. This is one of the reasons why I have so little interest to play this game at this point. Honestly, it wouldn't be as bad and as impactful if the pvp community wasn't as small as it currently is. On top of all, you have some rank 1 players blatantly boosting several (or even dozens) of their guildies all the way up to ending on the ladder. Then again, in the long run there is no way for the mods to really deal with this sort of thing, without resorting to purge at least one quarter of the current pvp community (which is, as already said, extremely small even without doing that). It's just a massive flaw all turn-based strategy games have, which is further emphasized if the pvp community of the game is small
  2. I believe they should just be punished harsher. Reaching a good price on your auction that is lasting for three days on average, just to have someone who doesn't possess the funds to bid on your auction and then make it void, is extremely frustrating. It is time consuming, mentally draining and not to mention, once the auction gets void, your pokemon will hardly reach the best offer price it had before the fake offer was made. I have no idea how are those kind of people being punished (I would assume if it's their first or among first infractions, they only get a few days of trade and/or mute ban). Recently I saw a guy who was punished for that reason and only after a few days he was allowed to offer on forums again. For these kinds of things, even if it's their first infraction, I think that such people should be completely trade banned for at least one month
  3. Start offer: 5m Minimum raise: 200k Duration: 72 hours after first bid No insta Beside cash, I accept Reroll Tickets as 700k, Nature Reroll Tickets as 350k, Coin Capsules as 400k and Rare Candy as 6k each
  4. I'd like to buy the blue clothes
  5. Support for this suggestion +1
  6. I agree entirely. When I made this suggestion, I had that mask in mind and I believe it should be treated exactly as you said (as part of headgear), as after all, it is being worn on the head, not on the face. Anyway that would make it the only exception (yet) or one of the few. Added it to the EDITed part of the suggestion
  7. As the title says, I'd like to suggest making all mask items occupying the face slot of our character, instead of the head as it is right now. The reasons are various. One would be that it would simply be the most natural thing because a mask in real life, as well as in fiction, occupies the face of a person or character, which allows them to wear all sorts of items on the head (from caps, hats and hoodies, to crowns, helmets and other headgear), while still being able to wear a mask at the same time. An another is that considering how things are right now, the mask items overlap either entirely or partially with all the items that are meant to be for the face slot (such as tears, candy, other food or glasses), which basically makes the mask occupying two of our character's item slots, instead of one, unnecessarily consuming too much space that way. With this suggestion implemented, those slots would be used to a better potential, as we would be able to wear stuff on the head, while still being able to wear a mask at the same time. I believe it's needless to say that unlike some face items which naturally and logically completely overlap with masks (such as tears), headgear doesn't . Not to mention, making this suggestion reality would also open up more room for many different outfits. EDIT: Masks that are being worn on the head (which obviously don't cover the face), should be an exception and remain headgear (such as the ladder tour/staff reward mask for example)
  8. 3 reroll tickets and 100k
  9. Should be a bit more than 27h left as it was stated above that the auction ends 48h after the initial offer
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