Welcome to my shop!
Negotiable prices - offer what you think is fair!
Looking for a specific hidden power on some of the pokemon listed? I recommend this tool: https://www.pokemon-tools.com/bw/en/calc_hidden_power/ to calculate their hidden power using the ivs shown.
Don't be afraid to send me an offer either here or on discord (parabolic), they are cheap so offer what you think is a fair trade!
Acceptable payment in addition to cash:
IV reroll - 510k
Coin capsule - 410k
Rare candy - 7k
Focus sash - 1.5k
Air balloon - 1.5k
PP Max - 6k
PP Up - 2k
EV reducing berries (any) - 750
Gems (any) - 500
TIP: Right click the image and open it in a new tab to be able to zoom in. On mobile, tap the image two times and it should open in a new tab where you are able to zoom in.