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  1. Thank's a lot for the $ and the items! I was finally able to defeat this dragon Lance!!!
  2. That would be very helpful, I learned ice beam and maybe I can beat this last guy today... I'll try to add you okay? Thx everyone for the encouraging words!
  3. I don't want to play it anymore because of the Johtho Elite 4. I tried to win against the last guy more then 10 times already and i wasted ALL my poke $ on potions and revivers. My team currently consists of 3 Lv 100 , 2x lv 80 and one geodude. I really want to get into the next zone but I wasted all my time and money on this last dragon trainer, his dragons are way too strong and almost 1 shot every of my lv 100. It's not fun and I've come to a point where I don't want to play anymore, I hand leveld alll my pokes to these high lvs and I am tired of grinding, I just want to get to the next zone -.-
  4. Looks cool
  5. selling ninetales mount pm me your offers
  6. its not in my pc but removed from my inv
  7. Played a while ago and now i cant move pokemons to my pc or switch their party slot...Its pidgeotto, the other ones work...
  8. It says invalid Password or username when i try to Login into silver. Checked pass and even reset it. Works on Gold.
  9. I played a while ago and i also was in your guild! Now i got my new pc and play pro again (blue server) and I`d like to rejoin the guild :D My ign is Noobtv!! Looking forward your reply :D
  10. May i join? My ign is Noobtv and im on blue server. Im friendly and looking for others to play with :D
  11. Hey Im looking for a guild on the blue server. My ign is Noobtv and Im a friendly player looking for some other players :D
  12. Will you ever release an Ios version of the game? If you do not want to be in the appstore, there are other ways to offer the game/make it downloadable for everyone even without jailbreak...
  13. Noobtv


    PRO Username: Noobtv Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? Can i pay with a paysafe card instead of paypal? I dont have a bank account or a credit card so i am not abke to pay with paypal. Please let me pay with paysafe card :( What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message
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