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Everything posted by Jimmyspan7

  1. Start gliscor
  2. Start 800k. Insta 2m . 12 hours after 1st bid auction ends!
  3. umbreon start 600k insta 1.2m gadtrodon start 400k insta 900k auction is 24hours after first bidding.
  4. wow that gible!!! good luck everyone!! im in xD!
  5. Hi guys. I ask here cause I don't know where to ask about old accounts. If someone get ban after 3 appeals there is a way to make appeal and you check it again ? Sorry about my English.
  6. good day guys. i decided to skip some days cause i dont have much time .xD i have spoken with bajiruu ..he is ok with that. so...2days left.. if you interested pm. Thanks.
  7. start: 6m insta: 15m duration 10days for the moment i get the the start offer.
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