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Everything posted by Jimmyspan7

  1. Starting offer 700k each. 24h auction after 1st bid. Gl!!
  2. i buy insta!
  3. Even if the user online bid fist the pokemon should be forcefully moved to the user who bidded on forum!
  4. Bro its unfair according to example. Hwaluchaa for 2min?What about example? I post on forum.
  5. But according to the example for 2 min I think I wan
  6. I don't want to be offence so I stop here. But read the post i just post.
  7. For 2min??? I was post on forum lol... Nvm
  8. I don't understand this
  9. Thank u!! But what about this?
  10. Only a moderator can resolved this. Maybe u won maybe I won . Let's wait until they answer.
  11. The why for 20min didn't post ss on forum?
  12. Did i won ?
  13. Any moderator can help us?
  14. Insta
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