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Everything posted by Unformedbobbie

  1. I don't know what changed today but i was able to log in :) I'd like to thank everyone who chipped in with advice on how to get it back working, ye are great!! <3
  2. I re-downloaded and extracted it into a folder on my desktop. everything went fine, no issue with the extraction. Went to load the game, got to the login screen, clicked login but it hung on connecting to server and then after a couple of seconds changed to cannot connect. I asked in my pro guild discord and they said the server is up atm so that's not an issue. I'm so confused as to why it won't connect. i've tried everything ye have suggested but to no avail :( I've even tried connecting to the blue server, but the same thing happens. also, I haven't changed anything on my pc since i last logged in so i doubt that's the problem.
  3. I'm using a wired connection, trying to connect to red server and i live in Ireland
  4. This is whats happening everytime i try to log in. It says connecting, freezes, unfreezes and displayes the message can not connect to server. I've tried closing the client and restarting it more than 5 times and the same issue.
  5. I tried downloading again from the link provided in your reply but to no avail. I continue to get "can not connect to server". on the games login screen it says the version i have is v0.95.7 Sparkling Articuno but it also says in the latest news window that i need to download the latest game client to play. When i click on the link for this tho the google drive file can't be viewed because it's exceeded the view limit and the zippy share one won't load.
  6. I downloaded the articuno 64bit one but still it won't connect
  7. Ok, so i've been off for a while and i wanna update the game and play again but i can't find anywhere a working link for the 64bit client. I tried downloading the 32bit client but that doesn't seem to want to connect for some reason. Any help would be much appreciated
  8. selling this medicham as auction - 300k starting bid no offers lower than 300k do not ask how much no insta buy option
  9. I have a lil above 1800 discoveries and i found a load of shroomish in the natural site
  10. so i was just in the natural site and it says on the front page that after 800 discoveries foongus appears, this is wrong because i have 875 discoveries and more than one foongus fled from me.
  11. i'm currently in mineral site and i ahve less than 600 discoveries and i encountered 2 nosepass. you may need to update the list
  12. I was thinking of a new addition you could add to the ingame store, a flashlight!!! just like the tree-axe and the pickaxe it would be used as a replacement for flash after 1st acquiring the tm/hm. I know what a blessing it is to not have to have a cut poke or a surf poke (as i have the surf mount) while travelling around the world after progressing very far so i figured why not have a flashlight as i've noticed having a flash poke is very annoying as it's a wasted move ingame atm. Anyways, i'd like to hear an admins thoughts on this thanks for reading :D
  13. So i've been surfing around this area of love island looking for a lapras and in the last 20mins or so i haven't encountered a single pokemon. Ok i can't seem to get the image to link and show up, so i'll just tell you exactly where it is. It's just a lil north-west of the pokecenter on love island and it's kinda around the area of the lamppost whrer the rosealia/rosearade is. thought i'd let ye know :)
  14. i evolved my nincada to shedinja but never got ninjask. also the shedinja i got had more than 1hp.... is that spose to happen? cuz i always thought he only had 1hp
  15. hmmmm... i never had to do anything with plusle or minun. I talked to wattson after the leaders disappeared and got stuck, logged back in and he told me about the pokecenters. So all i had to do was the pokecenter part.
  16. yeah i'm looking for this pokemon to. i checked all around the inside of his house but i couldn't find it. Also there was a shroomish outside the starting town that says it's scared, it houight that might be it but it wasn't
  17. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>route 47 at night for health from the noctowl. they spawn like crazy with the exception of a few glooms and the odd ditto now and then.</t>
  18. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>no idea then. maybe report your case to a gm and they might be able point you in the right direction</t>
  19. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>yeah actually do you have the required evos?</t>
  20. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>i don't really know mate... you've gotten the dog seen data?</t>
  21. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>thats prob why you can't get it mate. you need 350+ for mew. so you most likely need more than that. i have 580+hrs played</t>
  22. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>how many hours play do you have?</t>
  23. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>have you fought ho-oh and lugia?</t>
  24. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>oh sry, did you just try add me?</t>
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