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  1. start price 800k , min raise 100k,auction ends 48hr after first bid.
  2. Start price 6m - Min raise 200k, auction ends 48hr after first bid.
  3. end @cotinho please pm me in game when online traded
  4. 1h left to finish
  5. Starter Offer on game nick mattegray
  6. Start bid 2m min bid 100k 48h after start bid
  7. Hello, I used rare candy in pokemon mantyke and didn't know i needed the remoraid in the team to evolve, i thought it was via trade, can you help me with delevel? Thx,
  8. @norex thx ^^
  9. Hello, I used rare candy in pokemon mantyke and didn't know i needed the remoraid in the team to evolve, i thought it was via trade, is it possible i can evolve it now? Can you help me? Thx,
  10. Oo Hi Yogic I think that was the case then, thank you very much for helping me
  11. Today, I noticed that about 100k has gone from my account, can you check what happened? My last transaction was a boat to Kanto and an atack
  12. very good video, however, In the video shows find only 2 spirits, the third does not show, many players are in trouble in the third spirit.
  13. Hello Calahan, I bought for all these marked areas, in 2 of them there are no spirits is this normal? I marked the image but I can not upload
  14. I have the same problem, I do not appear to me these 2 marked places
  15. I'm with the same problem and a friend of mine too, I'm looking for 8 hours and nothing, I opened a post reporting.
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