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    Pokemon Trainer

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Skill link moves stops when it breaks the sub even after just 1 hit rock blast from mega heracross vs subbed hawlucha w/ sitrus berry heracross on trickroom used rockblast hit once (but says hit 5times) breaks sub activated berry(hawlucha) hawlucha used acro then I died O.o
  2. 2.9m Also accept as payment IVrr = 700k CC = 400k
  3. This is an auction for hallow h.a greninja . . . Accept payment: CC: 400k Reroll ticket: 650k Auction info Start: 3M Min bid: 500k Insta: 25M Auction time: 24hrs since start 7:00pm Friday, 30 October 2020 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  4. Its Psychic sadly
  5. This is an auction for hallow h.a greninja . . . Accept payment: CC: 400k Reroll ticket: 650k Auction info Start: 3M Min bid: 500k Insta: 25M Auction time: 24hrs since start 4:25pm Friday, 30 October 2020 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  6. Price: 2mil accept: cc,bms,ms cc = 360k bms = 180k ms30 = 360k ms15 = 180k
  7. Is there an issue for android that i dont know about? I have like 5gb+ of space for both internal and external And it still says app not installed
  8. THANK YOU!!!!!
  9. IS THIS STILL ACCURATE ?? Some mons ran from me from a shiny stone
  10. bo. haje 500k
  11. b.o Doomstein 320k
  12. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? nikz383 2. Number of hours played? 1k+ 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Marshadow 4. How old are you? 20 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) N/A
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