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Kapentade's Achievements



  1. :Heart: :thanks:
  2. Ms only pokes are usually rare-extremely rare. It can take 5 or 500 encounters to find one, it's pretty much about luck. Somedays u might find 5 in a hour and other day u find 0 in 5 hours :p gl on your hunt.
  3. Good idea
  4. Pm me ingame or put pic here Ign:Kapentade :Angel:
  5. So im planning making pvp team and this is how it is looking right now. Donphan (impish)sturdy item: leftovers Stealth rock, rapid spin, eq & knock off Magnezone (timid or modest??) Magnet pull item: choice scarf Hp fire, magnet rise, flash cannon & tbolt Slowbro (bold) regenerator item: leftovers Calm mind, slack off, psyshock & scald Weawile (jolly) pressure item: life orb Knock off, ice punch and ??? Florges (bold) flower veil item: leftovers Wish, calm mind, aromatherapy & moonblast Dragonite (adamant) multiscale item: lum berry? So if u have any suggestions or tips please let me know i really would appreciate them :)
  6. Last time i visited celadon mart rooftop there wasnt a girl there. She trades tms for drinks only works 1 tm per drink 1use. But she gave me tm 003 swords dance and swords dance is supposed to be tm 75 (i have 2) but now i got tm 003 swords dance and it works if i try learn it to my poke so is this bug? Or meant to be like this?
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